Role → Sole Product Designer
Timeline → Jan 2019–Mar 2019
Class → INFO 498
Wreflect -- an app to journal in a fluid and thoughtful way
Background and class context
A class project for INFO 498, Emotion in Design. The class premise was centered around how emotions play a role in the world of digital design. The final project’s prompt was to design a product for a technology that is emotionally and/or psychologically helpful, motivated by self-reflection, research and critique of existing emotional tech.
I came up with Wreflect (write + reflect), a journaling app tailored exclusively for you. It uses machine learning to provide a personalized experience that helps encourage a more fluid and thoughtful journaling experience for all writers.

Some of the emotions and challenges I wanted to tackle for the prompt fell in line under anxiety and stress, lack of focus, emotional confusion, memory retention, and creative slumps.
Why journal?
As a semi-frequent journal-er, I always come to journaling to understand and reflect on my emotional headspace when it comes to each of the listed challenges.
User Interviews
Journaling has long since been proven to help with anxiety/stress, emotional confusion, lack of focus, memory retention, and creative slumps. That said, to get a better sense of how journaling is being used in the real world, I interviewed 6 people who have experience in dealing with the stated emotional challenges. I did not probe into if and how they are journaling, but moreso how their emotions play a role in their day-to-day, and how journaling might be able to fit into that.
Interview Insights
To my surprise, each of my 6 interviewees had either a negative or neutral perception of journaling. Something that has brought me so much positive help was seemingly a chore to others. To better understand this contrast as to why it’s benefited me so much but not for others, I did some extra secondary research on the topic itself.
Guided vs unguided chats
In a published research study done in collaboration between the University of Washington and Northwestern University, research was done to find forms of talk therapy to aid mental health. Titled “Suddenly, we got to become therapists for each other”, researchers found two forms of chats that helped reduce anxiety, guided and unguided chats.
In relation to writing for the self via journaling, I thought this idea of guided and unguided chatting can be adopted.
That black squiggly in the center strikes the balance of guided and unguided writing that can provide solutions and new perspectives while still being lighthearted and emotionally smooth.
Keys to Effective Journaling
Professor James Pennebaker, an American social psychologist, professor, and strong advocate for journaling, states a few keys to effective journaling. Those keys can be boiled down into: be intentional and write less.
I came up with a few personas to further ground my design work and ideation. Each of these personas are reflections of some of the emotional troubles that journaling can help tackle. Then, off of research and thinking about my personas, I went about ideating some design solutions that could help each of the issues my personas face.
Low-fidelity user flow to get a rough idea of how I wanted to map out Wreflect from onboarding to finish. I really wanted to focus on a personalized and tailored journaling app for each and every user, and mapping out a flow for this helped a lot.
I looked at a lot of inspiration around typography, color, and compositional techniques centered around a calming and soothing experience. I want writing with Wreflect to be as cozy as grabbing a pen, pad, and blanket in front of a fireplace at the end of a long but relaxing day. Hopefully my stylescape reflects this.
Hi-fi design
My final high fidelity screens with a live prototype below. Designed for the iPhone X to stay up to date with latest tech and design updates.
Tune your Aesthetic
Change the entire theme of the app to Wreflect in a way that makes you most comfortable and calm.
Daily Check-ins
Guided writing every day. New writing prompts each session keep things fresh. Wreflect on questions with words or images.
Your Journals
Wreflect on your past writings, all stored by journal topic.
In wreflection...
The focus of this project was to work on one thing specifically: creating a design system from scratch. I found that at work, it’s sometimes hard to do so because you’re designing under an already structured design system with foundations to abide by. Dragging and dropping assets is not the same as creating them entirely from scratch!
Making my own components and style guide helped me think about designing for a product more systematically and with more granularity. Creating standards for things as small as the margins between labels and body copy, the differences in font sizes and weights to keep things consistent, color choices, and more was a good reminder at how things are done in an industry environment, and is something I will continue to focus on for each of my personal projects.